Click on "Connect" in the upper right corner of the top screen to connect MetaMask (the crypto asset wallet available at STRAYM). You can purchase ownership NFTs on the Ethereum chain.
Ownership NFTs that can be purchased in Ethereum and Japanese Yen are separated for each piece.
You will need to create a STRAYM account in order to trade ownership NFTs in Japanese yen.
If you do not have a MetaMask account, please add MetaMask to your web browser's add-ons.
Click on "MetaMask" on the pop-up screen.
Click on "Connect" in the upper right corner of the top screen to connect MetaMask (the crypto asset wallet available at STRAYM). You can purchase ownership NFTs on the Ethereum chain.
Ownership NFTs that can be purchased in Ethereum and Japanese Yen are separated for each piece.
You will need to create a STRAYM account in order to trade ownership NFTs in Japanese yen.
If you do not have a MetaMask account, please add MetaMask to your web browser's add-ons.
Then, move the cursor to the icon in the upper right corner of the top page and click "Settings". You will be redirected to the "User Settings" page.
Click on "MetaMask Connect" in the middle of the "User Settings" screen.
Once signed, the wallet is connected and linked to the existing STRAYM account.
Move the cursor to the icon in the upper right corner of the top page and click on "Profile".
Click "Edit" on the "Profile" page to set "User Name," "Profile Image," "Cover Image," "Website (SNS, etc.) URL," "Self Description," etc.
If you want to purchase with Ethereum
make sure you have Ethereum in your MetaMask wallet.
If your balance is insufficient, send Ethereum from another crypto wallet or crypto exchange to your MetaMask and it will be added to your balance.
If you want to purchase with Japanese Yen
make sure you have points in your My Page wallet.
*If your balance is insufficient, you can add to your balance by charging your points using a bank transfer or credit card.
Select "Buy at the market price" if you want to purchase at a price corresponding to the market price at the time of matching.
Enter the "Quantity" of ownership NFTs you wish to purchase, using the "Current Price of Ownership" as a reference. The "Estimate" will show the amount of "Current Ownership Price x Quantity". Click on "BUY" and confirm the order details before executing it. After that, if the "BUY" is actually executed, the purchase of ownership is complete.
The amount displayed in the "Ownership Current Price" is the most recently executed price and is not the actual purchase price of the ownership. Therefore, the amount finally confirmed by a market purchase offer may differ from the "estimated" amount.
Select "Limit Buy Offer" if you want to purchase at a specified price.
Enter the price of the ownership NFTs you want to purchase in the "Asking Price" field and enter the "Quantity" of the ownership NFTs you wish to purchase. The "Estimate" will show the "Asking Price x Quantity" amount. Click on "Buy Offer" and execute the order after confirming the order details. Then, if the "Buy Offer" actually matches, the purchase of ownership is complete.
In addition, the "limit buy offer" is linked to the actual trading conditions and is preferentially assigned to the sell offer at a price lower than the limit price.
[Case with a limit buy offer at 120 yen]
Cases where there is a sell offer below 120 yen
→The lowest price is used for offers below the limit price, and the lowest price is used for offers below the limit price. If the number of offers > the number of accepted offers, the offer will remain on the board.
Cases where there is no offer to sell at 120 yen or below
→The limit offer remains on the board until it is matched or the order expires.
*Offers expire after six months, so the offer will be canceled after six months.
You can check the value of your portfolio and the percentage of each holding in your portfolio.
You can see a list of currently owned works. Click "CERTIFICATE" to view the ownership certificate.
*When withdrawing the proceeds of a Japanese Yen sale, you must fill out the "Identification (Japanese Yen transactions only)" form and confirm your identity.